Kardinia International College

CRICOS Code: 01502C


  • Co-Education


  • Homestay


  • IB


  • AEAS




Kardinia International College has a fully monitored and co-ordinated Homestay Programme where the international students live with a local family. The College has appointed a full-time Homestay Co-ordinator whose sole responsibility is the welfare of overseas students in the Homestay Programme. There is a strong College support system between the student, family and College. This support involves:

  • An orientation programme for homestay students.
  • Regular meetings with the Homestay Co-ordinator who communicates regularly with homestay families and the student’s parents and overseas agents.
  • Cultural outings during the school year and some holidays for overseas students.

The Homestay Co-ordinator is Mrs Jenifer Tippet. She has had extensive experience with overseas students in boarding schools and Homestay Programmes.

The College cannot accept Primary level overseas students unless they are living with or are being cared for by a parent or close relative. Students who are 13 years of age or older are able to be enrolled at our College and live with our approved homestay families.

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