ASC International

Western Australia
CRICOS Code: 03547G

  • Co-Education


  • Homestay


  • Boarding


  • AEAS




The below courses are offered through ASC International:


Our General English Program is a basic, beginner level English language course.  This course is run throughout the academic year and may also be run over some school holidays.  The primary aim of the course is to teach student the basics of conversational English and to prepare them for transition onto an Academic English program prior to mainstream secondary schooling.


The PSS Program is offered at different levels depending on a student’s English proficiency and learning needs.  All levels help students to revise basic grammar, comprehension and vocabulary through practice in writing, speaking, reading and listening activities.  They will use course notes from different subjects to learn and reinforce academic concepts and terminology that will be required for upper secondary studies.  Our PSS classes are a mix of English intensive and academic teaching to help students transition smoothly into mainstream secondary classes.

As an additional service, all PSS students will also participate in various mainstream secondary classes such as drama, sport, art and music.

PSS courses start on the first day of each of Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.  The number of Terms varies according to each student’s English Language proficiency and other learning needs.

Language School Hours

8.30 – 3.20 pm (Monday – Friday)


Students are required to purchase specified textbooks for each level ($150-$250 depending on level).  These are billed via ASC International.

The ASC Language School is located in the heart of Perth CBD on our St George’s Anglican Grammar School campus.


Lower secondary education builds on the student's learning from primary school. The course content spans the following learning areas:
          -  English
          -  Mathematics
          -  Humanities and Social Sciences
          -  The Arts
          -  Technologies
          -  Health and Physical Education
          -  Languages

Our Junior Secondary Program is offered at all ASC International schools


Senior Secondary entails students completing two years of Senior School to satisfy the requirements to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). WACE is recognised by universities for entry to undergraduate programs and by training providers for courses preparing them for entry into the workforce.

In Senior School, students often choose one English subject plus another five elective subjects.  At least one elective subject is selected from the two following disciplines:
          -  Humanities (Arts, Languages and Social Sciences subjects)
          -  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects)

Students in Year 11 are advised to take either ATAR or Non-ATAR (or General) pathways, according to their academic results.
          -  ATAR pathways enable a student to proceed directly to university,
          -  Non-ATAR or General Pathways provide the student with the ability
              to undertake more practically oriented subjects and are suited to those
               students who enjoy a more ‘hands on’ approach to their learning. 
              Non-ATAR students often leave secondary school with Certificate level
              qualifications and move through Diploma level course before
              articulating onto University studies.

Students who achieve satisfactory results in both ATAR and Non-ATAR courses qualify to receive the WA Certificate of Education (WACE).

To achieve a WACE, students typically need to:
          -  Demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and a minimum standard
              of numeracy as achieved through the Online Literacy and Numeracy
              Assessment (OLNA)
          -  Achieve satisfactory results six or more Year 12 ATAR or
              Non-ATAR Courses
          -  Achieve satisfactory results in a minimum of 14 units or equivalents
              over the course of Year 11 and 12.

Detailed descriptions of all upper secondary subjects can be found on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website: .

Our Senior Secondary Program is offered at all ASC International schools.  For a list of subjects that apply to a specific school, please contact ASC International.


This is an alternative Year 12 course, owned by the four public WA universities and offered to those students with English as a Second Language.

The WAUFP program can provide entry into the top public universities in Western Australia:
          -  The University of Western Australia
          -  Murdoch University
          -  Curtin University
          -  Edith Cowan University

International students choose the WAUFP program for the following reasons:
          -  More academic focus on English to help students gain the language
               skills necessary for success in university studies.
          -  WAUFP examination papers are modified taking into account the fact
              that English is not the students' native language.
          -  University places are generally offered to WAUFP graduates before
              they are offered to applicants who took examinations for the WACE.
          -  Successfully offered since 1993 with graduates having been accepted
              into degrees with limited places including Veterinary Science,
              Physiotherapy, Law, Engineering, Accounting, etc.)

Subjects offered for WAUFP are:
          -  ELACS (double subject)
          -  Psychology (ATAR)
          -  Chemistry (ATAR)
          -  Physics (ATAR)
          -  Human Biology (ATAR)
          -  Mathematics Methods (ATAR)
          -  Mathematics Applications (ATAR)
          -  Mathematics Specialist (ATAR)
          -  Accounting and Finance (ATAR)
          -  Business Management

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