Billanook College

CRICOS Code: 00131M

  • Co-Education


  • Homestay


  • AEAS




International Students are highly recommended to make an application for a place at Billanook College with the assistance of an accredited Agent ( 
Please download our 2023 Agent List for your reference.

It is also possible for families to lodge an application for their child directly with our College Registrar:  [email protected]

One or our accredited Agents will guide you through each step of our application process. Prior to enrolment, we require all of our international student applicants to undertake an assessment provided by Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS).


Application Process Summary

Step 1. Complete AEAS testing (at least 6 months prior to planned commencement)

Step 2. Lodge International Student Application with College Registrar

Step 3: Review of Application documents by International Students Program Manager

Step 4: Interview arranged by International Students Program Manager (online)

Step 5: Outcome of Application Confirmed (within seven days of interview)

Step 6: Successful Applicants receive an Offer of Place

Step 7: Payment of Fees and remaining documents returned to Billanook College

Step 8: Billanook College issues Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and Confirmation of Approved Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)



AEAS Testing

The AEAS Test provides important information for our College Staff to assist in successful transition of the applicant. The results of the AEAS Test are just one element for consideration when applying to Billanook College.  the AEAS Test may recommend the applicant completes some ELICOS studies before entering mainstream studies at Billanook College.  In such cases Billanook College will consider making a Conditional Offer of Enrolment subject to satisfactory completion of the ELICOS Program.

For advice on Billanook College approved ELICOS Programs, please consult the International Students Program Manager:  [email protected]


Lodging an Application

All applications, via an Agent or directly by a family, should be forwarded to the College Registrar:  [email protected]

Documents Required:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Academic Transcripts (school reports) from the previous two years of study
  • Copy of Applicant’s Passport
  • Any other supporting documentation displaying dedication to excellence which may include academic or co-curricular certificates and letters of recommendation


Interview (online)

The International Students Program Manager reviews each Application and where appropriate, facilitates an online interview with the applicant, in consultation with the agent, at a mutually agreeable date and time. This interview provides further information to the College about the applicant’s English language proficiency, in addition to providing the applicant and their family with an opportunity to confirm that Billanook College is a suitable choice.


Outcome of Application

Following the interview, Billanook College will advise the Agent (or the applicant directly) of the outcome of the application (within 7 days). It is at this point that discussions and negotiation may need to occur on the requirement for the applicant to undertake an ELICOS Program prior to commencement at Billanook College. If the application is successful, the Agent or parent will receive a formal written Enrolment Offer. The Enrolment Offer at Billanook College should be accepted or declined by the applicant by the due date listed, as places at Billanook College are in high demand.

Confirmation of Acceptance of the Offer is completed by:

  • Payment of all fees listed in the Offer Letter
  • Submission of the Confirmation of Acceptance documentation to the Billanook College Registrar, including the Personal Profile and Medical Information Forms.

A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and Confirmation of Approved Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) are documents necessary for your Student Visa application. These documents will only be issued by Billanook College once all application documentation is received by the College Registrar.



Our Accredited Agents will guide applicants through the process of obtaining an Australian Student Visa. The Accredited Agent is required to remain in close communication with the College during the Student Visa application. Once Student Visa approval is communicated to Billanook College by the Agent or applicant, plans will be made for the applicant’s arrival in Australia, including airport greeting and travel, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) commencement (if considered necessary), and Homestay placement.



A detailed explanation of the Billanook College Enrolment Policies and Procedures, along with all other policies and procedures related to International Students, is available here:


For More Information

Should you wish to discuss the Admissions Process in more detail do not hesitate to make contact with the International Students Program Manager:  [email protected]

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