Nambour Christian College

Sunshine Coast
CRICOS Code: 01461G

  • Co-Education


  • Homestay




  • AEAS


Về nhà trường

Mô tả tóm tắt

Về nhà trường
Thành phố, Thành phố / TỉnhSunshine Coast, Queensland
Năm thành lập1980
Trường cả Nam và Nữ sinh / Trường Nam sinh / Trường Nữ sinhCo-Educational
Hình thức lưu trúHomestay
Chương trình ELICOSYes
Các chương trình Anh ngữ khácYes
Chứng chỉ học thuật / Bằng tú tài quốc tếQCE
Tổng số học sinh1250
Số lượng học sinh quốc tế2
Yêu cầu bài thi AEASYes
Học phí thường niênYear Level 4-6: AUD $23,515 Annual 2024
Year Level 7-10: AUD $28,733 Annual 2024
Year Level 11-12: AUD $31,265 Annual 2024
Chi phí lưu trúLưu trú nhà dân: Đô la Úc $350 Phí theo tuần
Trang web tuyển sinhĐăng kí Ngay

Nambour Christian College is a premier educational institution in Queensland's picturesque Sunshine Coast hinterland. Our dedication to providing security, support, and success ensures that your child excels academically and receives an exceptional well-rounded education. With a comprehensive curriculum and enriching programs, students learn essential life skills, discipline, and character development. With a firm focus on preparing students for University and career pathways.

An education at NCC provides -

  • Academic excellence: NCC maintains high academic standards, empowering students to achieve their full potential.
  • Values-based education: Grounded in Christian principles, NCC nurtures students' spiritual and moral growth, fostering integrity, compassion, and respect.
  • Innovative learning: With cutting-edge educational practices and integrating technology, students are prepared for the challenges of the future.
  • Supportive community: NCC fosters a warm, inclusive community where students feel supported, valued, and inspired to succeed.
  • Enriching co-curricular: From sports to arts and community service, NCC’s broad co-curricular activities complement academic learning and encourage students' passions and talents.

At Nambour Christian College, your child's educational journey has the values of excellence, integrity, and personal growth, ensuring a solid foundation for their bright future.

View our International Prospectus:


E: [email protected]

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