Stuartholme School

CRICOS Code: 00524E

  • Girls


  • Homestay


  • Boarding


  • AEAS




Curriculum Framework

Stuartholme offers an extensive curriculum, based on teaching students ‘how to learn’, rather than memorising, rehearsing and recalling information. This focus on deeper learning means Stuartholme girls graduate with a much richer education. It also provides them with the tools to know what to do, when they don’t know what to do.

Effective study techniques are taught to ensure students are well prepared to achieve their study goals both at school and after they graduate.


Junior School (Years 7 to 9)

The Junior School courses focus on developing higher-order thinking skills, with a focus on analysing, evaluating and justifying. Students in Years 7 and 8 undertake a broad curriculum by studying all eight Key Learning Areas (KLAs) / Core Subjects.  This introduces them to core and elective subjects which they can choose in Years 9 and 10.  In Year 9 students continue studying core subjects along with two elective subjects. Whilst the core subjects provide students with a broad educational base, the electives allow students the freedom of selecting subjects they are interested in.  Elective subjects are studied for two years, continuing into Year 10.


Senior School (Years 10 to 12)

By the time students reach Year 10, they commence their transition to Senior School.  The key focus in Year 10 is to assist students in choosing the most suitable pathway for their Senior studies.  Facilitated through Academic Services, an Education Planning and Assessment Program is developed for each student.  Accompanied by a parent, each student has a career development session with the School’s Career Advisor.  Through a career testing process early in Year 10, our Advisor helps students to identify their strengths and skills, areas of interest and distinctive personal style.  Possible career goals, along with school performance and Senior subjects are also discussed.  A Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) is then developed for each student.

The academic focus for students in Years 11 and 12 is on achieving her personal best for tertiary entrance.  As students’ progress through Years 11 and 12, they are continuously assessed in each of their subjects.  These assessments are monitored by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), and at the end of Year 12, the QCAA will issue a Student Education Profile.

Stuartholme offers several tertiary pathway options and provides a range of ATAR, and/or Vocational Education & Training (VET) subjects.


Co-curricular learning

Away from the classroom students can explore opportunities to enhance their schooling.  The range of sporting, creative arts and enrichment co-curricular activities allow each girl to build her self-confidence and develop her talents and interests.  Stuartholme offers a flexible and challenging Academic Enrichment Program which focuses on encouraging gifted and talented students to understand and utilise their unique intellectual abilities. Learn more here Academic Enrichment & Extension.

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